Thursday, August 21, 2008



Do you have a place to put this?
Can I set it down for a bit?
My fingers are cramping on the side.
It’s taller than I thought, and much too wide,
But I’ve carried it all this time –
Even when that corner began to unwind.

Can you help me rest my aching arms?
I may do myself some real harm.
I can’t feel my shoulders anymore.
It’s so large, I can’t see the floor.
I wouldn’t drop it to answer the phone,
And most of my friends have left me alone.

I’ve given up finding a good shelf.
No one has offered the right help.
Everyone keeps saying, “Lay it down,”
But there isn’t any space around.
Maybe I’ll just hang onto it.
After so long, it seems silly to quit.

But I wonder, I admit,
How my life would change to get rid of it.
Finally to rest, get some real sleep,
Take a breath, long and deep.
I wonder how that freedom would feel –
To release this and gain the strength to kneel?